HOHUNET Opens Uzbekistan market in ICT week 2024

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  • HOHUNET Opens Uzbekistan market in ICT week 2024

On 17-20 September, HOHUNET Sales Team took part in ICT WEEK UZBEKISTAN 2024 – one of the most significant events in information and communication technologies.

At this exhibition, HOHUNET presented a variety of products and solutions, including 1G/2.5G/5G/10G/100G/400G/800G switches, and E-sport Solution, Enterprise Solution, Data center solution.

HOHUNET Switches: Create a High-Quality Smart Living Experience

At ICT week 2024, HOHUNET Ethernet switches based on Chinese switching chip attracted widespread attention from Uzbekistan visitors, meeting various business needs, offering advantages of high bandwidth, strong stability, and cost-effectiveness.

HOS (HOHUNET OPERATING SYSTEM): Unified Switch Software Platform

HOS also showcast HOHUNET strong software R&D ability.
HOS, launched by HOHUNET, is a switch operating system, which is also an unified software platform used by all HOHUNET switches. HOS has experienced through commercial application test over 10 years.Its advanced modular flexible architecture offers good hardware decoupling capability. HOHUENT constantly iterates and releases an updated versions every quarter to fix bugs or update features, ensuring better adaptation to an ever-changing network environment.

Embracing the Intelligent Future with HOHUNET

As an international stage in Uzbekistan, ICT week 2024 not only showcased cutting-edge technologies but also provided new perspectives and inspirations that drive us to explore more possibilities. We are honored to be a part of such an event in 2024 and extend our heartfelt thanks to all attendees. Participating in ICT week 2024 made us experience the rapid development of the industry and the endless possibilities for innovation. Looking forward, HOHUNET will commit to develop innovative products and solutions, provide high-quality services, and contribute to the industry development!